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Interested in the coming EU framework programme, Horizon Europe?


There are now several draft work programs out describing the coming topics for the calls coming out 2021-2022.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us for draft within your field and/or a discussion regarding how to plan for an application.

  1. Health
  2. Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
  3. Civil Security for Society
  4. Digital, Industry and Space
  5. Climate, Energy and Mobility
  6. Food, Bioeconomy, Natural resources, Agriculture and Environment

In addition, do not miss the Green Deal call with deadline in January 2021, “Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future”

Kind regards, EU-Research funding advisors at Research Services

Anna-Karin Wihlborg, Anneli Wiklander, John Phillips, Teresia Rindefjäll

Financial support: Karin Langborger, Kjell Josefsson

 If you are planning to apply for EU funding, please contact us, we will coach you all the way!

Our aim is to help researchers at LU to successfully apply for financing from the EU:s framework program. We can help you from start to finish in the application process: we guide you to find a call to match your project idea, give feedback when you write your application and can help with budget, among other things. We also arrange interview training, workshops and other activities. Feel free to contact us to find out more!

Latest news and contact information:

september 8, 2020


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Input på Horisont Europa?

Universitetshuset och sommarblommor
Universitetshuset i kvällsljus, augusti 2016. Bilden finns även som högupplöst TIFF om du ska trycka den i storformat. Kontakta

For English, look further below.

Nu finns det möjlighet att ge input på EU kommissionens kommande ramprogram, Horisont Europa (efterträder H2020), både vad gäller den strategiska planen och till de så kallade missions.

Svara på enkät för den strategiska planen och de olika fokusområdena (clusters) Plan. Länk till enkäten

Clusters: 1. Health; 2. Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society; 3. Civil Security for Society; 4. Digital, Industry and Space; 5. Climate, Energy and Mobility; 6. Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment

Ge input på Missions

Registrera er i portalen, sedan kan ni både rösta och ge förslag på innehåll i missions. Nyheten ”Missions” är stora, tydligt målsatta, tvärvetenskapliga satsningar som kommer att finnas inom följande områden:“Adaptation to climate change including societal transformation”, “Cancer”, “Climate-neutral and smart cities”, “Healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters” samt “Soil health and food”. 

In English:

The EU commission are inviting comments and feedback on their forthcoming framework program, Horizon Europe (following on from H2020), both for the overall strategic plan, and also for their ‘missions’.

Answer the questionnaire for the strategic plan and the different focus areas (clusters): Link to the survey

The clusters are: 1. Health; 2. Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society; 3. Civil Security for Society; 4. Digital, Industry and Space; 5. Climate, Energy and Mobility; 6. Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment. More information

Provide input on Missions through the Missions portal:

Missions are a novelty in the upcoming framework program. Missions are large, ambitious, clearly targeted, interdisciplinary initiatives that will exist in the following areas: “Adaptation to climate change including societal transformation”, “Cancer”, “Climate-neutral and smart cities”, “Healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters”, and “Soil health and food”.

september 8, 2020


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Consolidator Grant workshop 2020

European Research Council

Research Services invites you to a Consolidator Grants workshop on 24 November. The workshop is run by Yellow Research, a consultancy firm with extensive experience in running ERC workshops and in pre-submission review of ERC Grants. It will provide you with an in-depth overview and practical information on the ERC Consolidator Grants scheme, as well as deeper understanding of the proposal format and the key issues relating to planning, writing and costing a proposal. 

The workshop is open for those planning to apply for an ERC CoG grant in the upcoming call as well as those interested in applying for an ERC grant further on. Attendance is free of charge. The workshop will be held in English, and it will be possible to attend via Zoom.

 DateTuesday 24 November 2020, between 9.00 and 12.30.

More information, including registration details, will follow.

With best wishes

John & Teresia


 Preliminary deadline for ERC Consolidator Grant call 2021: 20 April 2021

Further information on Consolidator Grants, for researchers awarded their PhD 7-12 years prior to 1 January 2021     


september 4, 2020

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EU - ERC EU-finansiering


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Events for ERC Starting Grant applicants in the 2021 call

European Research Council

ERC Starting Grants workshop

Research Services invites you to our ERC Starting Grants workshop on 13 October. The workshop is open to researchers who are planning to apply for an ERC Starting Grant (StG) with Lund University as their host institution. The workshop is run by Yellow Research, a consultancy firm with extensive experience in running ERC workshops and in pre-submission review of ERC Grants. It will provide participants with an in-depth overview and practical information on the ERC Starting Grant scheme. Participants should gain a deeper understanding of the proposal format and the key issues relating to planning, writing and costing a proposal. 

You are welcome to register for this workshop if you are planning to apply for an ERC StG in the next call (call 2021), or if you are interested in applying for an ERC grant in the future. You can attend the workshop in person, or via Zoom. Attendance is free of charge, and lunch will be provided if attending in person. The workshop will be held in English.

 DateTuesday, 13 October 2020, from 9.00 and 16.00.
Venue: Hörsalen, Medicon Village, Building 302, Scheeletorget 1 OR Zoom

  Extra session and training camp for ERC Starting Grants

Apart from the ERC workshop on 13 October, Research Services will arrange two connected events with the aim of giving ERC StG applicants an extra boost in the 2021 call. You are welcome to register for these activities if you are planning to apply for an ERC Starting Grant in the 2021 call.

On 22 October we have arranged an extra session to help you kick-start your proposal writing, and to receive feedback on your CV/Track Record. The session is in preparation for the ERC training camp in January. In order to attend this session on 22 October, you must submit a short project synopsis, CV and track record (2 pages each, in total max 6 pages) by 19 October at 12:00. Details on where to submit this material will be included in your confirmation email for attendance at the extra session in the beginning of October.

In the week of January 18-22 there will be a two-day training camp (dates tbc) where you can receive valuable information from ERC evaluators and ERC grantees, as well as get feedback on your draft proposal. To attend this training camp, you must provide a draft proposal (section B1 of the application, including CV and Track Record) by 8 January. Submission details will be included when we confirm the dates and format of the training camp. Please note that you may only attend the ERC training camp once.

Please register at this link by 2 October 2020.

You are welcome to contact us for further information on the ERC Starting Grants scheme or on the support events described above.

Best regards,

John & Teresia


 Preliminary deadline for ERC Starting Grant call 2021: 9 March 2021

Further information on Starting Grants, for researchers awarded their PhD 2-7 years prior to 1 January 2021     


september 4, 2020

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EU - ERC EU-finansiering


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