Finally, the Work programmes for Horizon Europe clusters are finalized and official!
The Work programmes contain the planned calls for two-year periods, in this case 2021 to 2022. Each thematic section is self-contained, and describes the overall objectives, the respective calls for proposals, the topics within each call and budget allocation.
Please, open and search for your keywords!
Pillar II, clusters
Additional WPs:
Pillar III:
European innovation council (EIC)
Pillar I:
European research council (ERC)
Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA)
Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area (WP_ERA)
Open calls can be found in Funding & tender portal. For questions, contact us at Research services.
Horizon Europe info Days and Partner search meeting
You may also take the opportunity to attend the Horizon Europe Info Days, 28/6 – 9/7. The programme includes exclusive discussions and hands-on sessions dedicated to a different cluster or part of the new programme.
Linked to this Partner search meetings for Horizon Europe will be arranged. Take the opportunity to participate!
If you curious on EU funding or are planning to apply, you may contact us at Research services!
We can help you from start to finish in the application process: we guide you to find a call to match your project idea, give feedback when you write your application and can help with budget, among other things. Contact us for individual discussion of specific calls or invite us for overview presentations of Horizon Europe or for presentation of specific parts of Horizon Europe. We also arrange interview training, workshops and other activities. Feel free to contact us to find out!
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Best regards
Anna-Karin Wihlborg, +46-46-222 62 21