Input på Horisont Europa?

Horizon Europe -European Comission logo
Horizon Europe, part of European Commission

For English, look further below.

Nu finns det möjlighet att ge input på EU kommissionens kommande ramprogram, Horisont Europa (efterträder H2020), både vad gäller den strategiska planen och till de så kallade missions.

Svara på enkät för den strategiska planen och de olika fokusområdena (clusters) Plan. Länk till enkäten

Clusters: 1. Health; 2. Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society; 3. Civil Security for Society; 4. Digital, Industry and Space; 5. Climate, Energy and Mobility; 6. Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment

Ge input på Missions

Registrera er i portalen, sedan kan ni både rösta och ge förslag på innehåll i missions. Nyheten ”Missions” är stora, tydligt målsatta, tvärvetenskapliga satsningar som kommer att finnas inom följande områden:“Adaptation to climate change including societal transformation”, “Cancer”, “Climate-neutral and smart cities”, “Healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters” samt “Soil health and food”. 

In English:

The EU commission are inviting comments and feedback on their forthcoming framework program, Horizon Europe (following on from H2020), both for the overall strategic plan, and also for their ‘missions’.

Answer the questionnaire for the strategic plan and the different focus areas (clusters): Link to the survey

The clusters are: 1. Health; 2. Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society; 3. Civil Security for Society; 4. Digital, Industry and Space; 5. Climate, Energy and Mobility; 6. Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment. More information

Provide input on Missions through the Missions portal:

Missions are a novelty in the upcoming framework program. Missions are large, ambitious, clearly targeted, interdisciplinary initiatives that will exist in the following areas: “Adaptation to climate change including societal transformation”, “Cancer”, “Climate-neutral and smart cities”, “Healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters”, and “Soil health and food”.

september 8, 2020

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