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Horizon Europe Info Days 29 November – 1 December: Digital, Industry & Space 

The European Commission will soon arrange digital information sessions on upcoming calls for 2022 within Cluster 4 (Digital, Industry and Space). The following six destinations will be included:  

  1. Climate neutral, circular and digitised production
  2. Increased autonomy in key strategic value chains for resilient industry
  3. World leading data and computing technologies
  4. Digital and emerging technologies for competitiveness and fit for the Green Deal
  5. Open strategic autonomy in developing, deploying and using global space-based infrastructures, services, applications and data
  6. A human-centred and ethical development of digital and industrial technologies

–  29 November: Destinations 1 & 2
–  30 November: Destinations 2 & 5
–  1 December: Destinations 3, 4 & 6

Information and links to all events can be found here: Cluster 4 – Digital, Industry & Space | European Commission (

If you are planning to apply for EU funding, don´t hesitate to contact us at Research Services! We offer guidance and support during the application process. We are also happy to come out to your department and have open sessions for guidance and questions.

Kerstin Gidlöf, PhD

Research Funding Advisor

november 9, 2021


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Call for Letters of Intent – MMW & MAW project grants 2022

The Marianne & Marcus Wallenberg Foundation (MMW; social sciences) and Marcus & Amalia Wallenberg Foundation (MAW; humanities) support research projects of high scientific potential, researcher-initiated projects of the highest international standard focusing on a coherent research question. Prioritised projects cover new research areas and cross-boundary research, with a preferred orientation towards IT. This year the foundations opens for applications to special grants aimed at a sustainable society. The regular project calls will run as usual.

Please note that these applications are to be prioritised by the Vice-Chancellor of Lund University (LU). The management rules contain a timetable for the internal process of prioritisation of project applications with a principal applicant from LU. Note also that the deadline for Letters of Intent is 5 January 2022.

Further information on this call is available on the foundations webpages: MMW and MAW.  

Contacts at Research Services: Johanna Mellgren ( and Sara Naurin (

november 1, 2021

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Svenska finansiärer


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Events for ERC Advanced Grant applicants in the 2022 call

European Research Council

Events for ERC Advanced Grant applicants

European Research Council Advanced Grants are open to experienced researchers, and provide up to €2,5 million for up to 5 years. The next call is the AdG 2022 call, with preliminary deadline 28 April 2022.

Research Services provides support to all researchers at Lund interested in this scheme. Our upcoming events are 1) workshop, 2) individual consultations, and an 3) information seminar. All activities are free of charge and are held in English via Zoom.


Research Services invites you to an Advanced Grants workshop on 8 December. The workshop is run by Yellow Research, a consultancy firm with extensive experience in running ERC workshops and in pre-submission review of ERC Grants.

Date and time: Wednesday 8 December 2021, at 09:00 – 12.30.

Details: The workshop will provide you with an in-depth overview and practical information on the ERC Advanced Grants scheme, as well as deeper understanding of the proposal format and the key issues relating to planning, writing and costing a proposal. The workshop is for researchers who apply with LU as host institution.

 Individual consultations

Individual consultations with Yellow Research will take place 19-20 January 2022. Please indicate your interest in getting a consultation when you register for the workshop (not binding), you will be asked to register after the workshop.

Date: 19-20 January 2022

Details: We have a limited number of consultations reserved for those who plan to apply in call 2022 and who have not had a consultation before. If you want an individual consultation you must attend the workshop or have attended the same workshop before, and submit a short project synopsis, CV and track record by 11 January.

Information seminar

Research Services will offer an additional information seminar with Simona Romagnoli, who is an Advanced Grants coordinator at the ERC Executive Agency.

Date: 8 February 2022, at 10.00-11.00

Details: The seminar will provide details on the call itself, the evaluation process as well as tips and recommendations. There will be time for questions.

Please register here for all Advanced Grant events, by 3 December. Registration for the information seminar will be open until 4 February.

Contact Teresia Rindefjäll ( with any questions on the ERC Advanced Grants scheme or on the support events described above.


oktober 20, 2021

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EU - ERC EU-finansiering


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The Scots set aside money for research collaboration with Europe

Skottlands flagga

The Scottish Government has set aside £ 3 million for a range of funding mechanisms, all of which will stimulate collaboration between Scottish researchers and researchers from the rest of Europe. This is funding for research collaboration, networking, fellowships, etc. that can be done with or without a link to Horizon Europe activity.

The instruments will be implemented by RSE (Scottish Academy of Sciences), and SFC (Scotland’s leading research funder).

This is good info for researchers who already have good links with Scotland. If anyone wants a link to Scotland contact Rickard Eksten for info.

Royal Society of Edinburgh – detailed info about five calls

Scottish Funding Council – detailed info about one call

Scottish Government – regarding policy context

Best regards
Anna-Karin Wihlborg, +46-46-222 62 21

juni 23, 2021


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Short-cut to Horizon Europe Work programmes


Finally, the Work programmes for Horizon Europe clusters are finalized and official!

The Work programmes contain the planned calls for two-year periods, in this case 2021 to 2022. Each thematic section is self-contained, and describes the overall objectives, the respective calls for proposals, the topics within each call and budget allocation.

Please, open and search for your keywords!

Pillar II, clusters

  1. Health 

  2. Culture creativity and inclusive Society

  3. Civil security for Society

  4. Digital, Industry and Space

  5. Climate, Energy and Mobility

  6. Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment

 Additional WPs:

 Pillar III:

European innovation council (EIC)

 Pillar I:

European research council (ERC)

Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA)

Research Infrastructures (RI)

 Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area (WP_ERA)


Open calls can be found in Funding & tender portal. For questions, contact us at Research services.

Horizon Europe info Days and Partner search meeting

You may also take the opportunity to attend the Horizon Europe Info Days, 28/6 – 9/7. The programme includes exclusive discussions and hands-on sessions dedicated to a different cluster or part of the new programme.

Linked to this Partner search meetings for Horizon Europe will be arranged. Take the opportunity to participate!

If you curious on EU funding or are planning to apply, you may contact us at Research services!

We can help you from start to finish in the application process: we guide you to find a call to match your project idea, give feedback when you write your application and can help with budget, among other things. Contact us for individual discussion of specific calls or invite us for overview presentations of Horizon Europe or for presentation of specific parts of Horizon Europe. We also arrange interview training, workshops and other activities. Feel free to contact us to find out!

Sign up for the latest news

Sign up for our sending lists where you get the latest exclusive info related to your theme of interest here, our blogg posts and for our general funding newsletter here as well as check out the Research funding database Research professional.

Best regards
Anna-Karin Wihlborg, +46-46-222 62 21

juni 17, 2021


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The UK formally associates to Horizon Europe

Flag of the United Kingdom
Flag of the United Kingdom

Following the approval of the EU-UK trade and cooperation agreement by the European Parliament on 28 April, the United Kingdom is now formally associated as a third county to:

  • Horizon Europe, the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation;
  • Euratom, which supports nuclear research and training activities;
  • Union Space programme.

This association will apply retroactively from 1 January 2021. In practice, this means that researchers at Lund can continue to collaborate with their British partners as usual on proposals to the above programmes (though there will be exceptions for certain calls).

More information is available through the European Parliament’s press release

If you would like to discuss specific plans for collaboration on Horizon Europe proposals with British partners, please feel free to contact John Phillips ( at Research Services.

maj 7, 2021

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Become an expert evaluator in Horizon Europe

Young people from six different countries exchanging ideas in Palaestra during a visit to Lund

A great way to get practical insight into the look of successful applications to the Framework Programme is to become an external evaluator.

All applications are evaluated by panels of independent external evaluators, and these evaluators are selected from a central database managed by the Commission.

The Commission has now published a new call for experts for the 2021-2027 period (pdf, 542kB, new window).

Registrations must be submitted on

If you are already registered as an expert and if you have opted to be eligible for all programmes, you will remain available in the database. However,

You are invited to update your area of expertise on

Keep in mind that selections of experts are usually done on the basis of keyword searches. Therefore, think carefully about what you highlight here, to make yourself findable. As the database has plenty of academics within it, a good idea to stand out is to also highlight non-academic experience in your profile, be it from private, public or third sectors.

Best regards

Anna-Karin Wihlborg, +46-46-222 62 21

april 27, 2021

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EU:s Beating Cancer Plan

I framtiden kanske laserljus kan stråla bort cancertumörer. Laserljuset leds i sådana här optiska fiber, vilka sticks in i patientens hud. Fotograf: Charlotte Carlberg Bärg
I framtiden kanske laserljus kan stråla bort cancertumörer. Laserljuset leds i sådana här optiska fiber, vilka sticks in i patientens hud.Fotograf: Charlotte Carlberg Bärg

Today, the EU Commission presented their EU:s Beating Cancer Plan.

Here is a link to the plan and below you find a short summary.

Cancer is one of the Commission’s top health priorities. This is an EU-wide strategy for the prevention, treatment and care of cancer. This is a broad approach to tackling cancer, which includes everything the EU wants to do, including beyond research and funding.

Based on new technologies, research and innovation, the cancer plan will lay out a new approach to how cancer is treated and fought in Europe. The cancer plan is built around four main areas and a total of EUR 4 billion has been earmarked from the EU’s various funding instruments for actions in the field of cancer – including the new EU4Health health program, the Horizon Europe research program and the Digital Europe program.

The four main areas are:

  • Prevention through actions that address key risk factors, such as tobacco or harmful air pollutants.
  • Early detection of cancer by improving access to qualitative care as well as an increase in preventive screening measures for breast cancer, cervical cancer and colorectal cancer in the member countries. To achieve this goal, a new proposal for a plan for cancer screening will be presented.
  • Diagnostic and treatment through actions that ensure a more integrated and comprehensive cancer care that also addresses unequal access to quality care and medicines.
  • Improved quality of life for cancer patients, which includes rehabilitation and support in the event of a relapse. To achieve this goal, a new initiative “Better Life for Cancer Patient Initiative” will be presented with a focus on follow-up care.

Furthermore, a Knowledge Center on Cancer will be launched to support the coordination of cancer-related scientific and technological initiatives at EU level. A European Cancer Imaging initiative will also be built to support the development of new computer-aided tools to improve personalized care interventions and innovative solutions. 

Translation of a text from Region Skånes Brysselkontor

februari 3, 2021


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Nytt projekt inom U21-nätverket: Utveckla digitala verktyg för att främja och prioritera känslomässigt välbefinnande bland doktorander och unga forskare

Universitas 21 loggo.

Projektet leds av McMaster University (Kanada) och syftar till att utveckla digitala verktyg för att främja och prioritera känslomässigt välbefinnande bland doktorander och unga forskare inom U21-nätverket. Den första fasen handlar om att upprätta en internationell, tvärvetenskaplig Community of Praxis (CoP). Ett virtuellt utrymme där doktorander och unga forskare som bedriver kvalitativ forskning inom känsliga ämnen kan samlas, utbytta erfarenheter och utforska strategier för att stå rustade inför framtida utmaningar.

Projektet riktar sig främst till doktorander och unga forskare från alla forskningsområden, men alla som är intresserade av att främja och prioritera emotionellt välbefinnande bland doktorander och unga forskare som bedriver kvalitativ forskning om känsliga ämnen välkomnas. Är du intresserad av att vara med eller har du frågor om projektet, vänligen kontakta Elizabeth Orr,

december 1, 2020

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LU receives HR Excellence in Research

HR excellence in research loggo.

Lund University has received EU’s acknowledgement, “HR Excellence in Research”. This means that LU fulfils many of the stringent EU requirements for a responsible and professional employer and will continue its work to support researchers’ career, professional development and working conditions.  LU has committed to implement the principles of “The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers (European Charter & Code).

Researchers, departments, and are encouraged to refer to the award in grant applications, in advertisements of research positions, on web pages and in other material for current and prospective research staff. The logo will shortly be available on the HRS4R blog.
Further information

oktober 13, 2020

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Allmänt EU-finansiering


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The European Green Deal – calls open for proposals

Green leaf on blue background, with text in blue

The first calls for proposals funded through the European Green Deal programme are now open. They have a deadline for applications of 26 January 2021, and you can find a list of these calls, along with links to more information and the submission system here:

Open European Green Deal calls

If you consider to apply to one of these calls, you are welcome to take an initial contact with us at Research Services for help in preparing your application.

On the Vinnova website, you can find gathered and updated information, in Swedish, related to the Green Deal call.

With best wishes

The research funding advisors in the EU group at Forskningsservice:
Anna-Karin Wihlborg, Anneli Wiklander, John Phillips, Teresia Rindefjäll
Financial support: Karin Langborger, Kjell Josefsson

oktober 2, 2020


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