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How to write a competitive proposal for a MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022

Marie Curie on a chair in her laboratory | Source: Wikimedia Commons
Marie Curie on a chair in her laboratory | Source: Wikimedia Commons

Marie S. Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships are 2-year fellowships for researchers holding a PhD. The aim is to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility. The deadline for the call is 14 September 2022.


The workshop is open for fellows who plan to apply with Lund University as host and already have a project idea and an agreement with a supervisor at LU. Supervisors are welcome to participate as the researcher and supervisor at Lunds universitet write the applications jointly.

EU eligibility requirements

  1. All nationals can apply, but the fellow cannot have resided or worked/studied in Sweden more than 12 months during the last 36 months immediately before the deadline on 14 September. 
  2. Fellow must be awarded a PhD at the time of the deadline, and have no more than a maximum of 8 years full-time equivalent experience in research from the date of PhD award.

Workshop objectives:

  • Understand what MSCA PF reviewers are looking for
  • Know what the key messages are which need to be communicated within theExcellence, Impact, and Implementation sections of the proposal
  • Have developed skills and knowledge to be able to write a competitive MSCA PF proposal

The workshop begins with a brief overview of what the purpose of the MSCA PF scheme is and what the European Commission is seeking to achieve by providing excellent early career researchers with this funding. Some of the key pitfalls of grant writing are covered and participants learn techniques for avoiding these pitfalls.

The remainder of the workshop is dedicated to guiding participants through the sections of Part B1 of the proposal: The Excellence, Impact, and Implementation sections are taken in turn. Each of these three main sections is broken down into their main constituent sub-sections and participants are guided through the arguments, detail, and justification that are needed in each.

Workshop leader: Dr Vicky Edkins, GrantCraft Services – WRG Europe. The workshop will be held in English.

Venue: Zoom

Registration: Please register by 19 May at this link

Time: 23 and 24 May, 13:30 – 17

Any questions on the workshop or eligibility?

Contact: Anneli Wiklander, Kerstin Gidlöf, Karin Langborger at the Research Services, Lunds universitet

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Taking a deep dive into Horizon Europe funding for AI

Horizon Europe is the world’s largest transnational research funding programme, running from 2021 to 2027. The programme offers a multitude of opportunities for researchers as well as other societal actors.

In the thematic pillar of the programme – Global challenges and European industrial competitiveness – artificial intelligence is a horizontal priority where AI features as a key enabling technology across all clusters. Investments in AI itself are largely found in cluster 4 on digital, industry and space, where AI and robotics is listed as a key area of intervention.

According to the legislation that underpins Horizon Europe, the broad lines of AI-related intervention in the programme will cover:

  • Enabling AI technologies such as explainable AI, ethical AI, human-controlled AI, unsupervised machine learning and data efficiency and advanced human-machine and machine-machine interactions
  • Safe, smart, collaborative and efficient robotics and complex embodied and autonomous systems
  • Human-centric AI technologies for AI-based solutions
  • Developing and networking the research competences in the area of AI across Europe under an open collaborative perspective while also developing the capacity for closed testing
  • The employment of AI and robotics to support people affected by disability, and inclusion of marginalised individuals
  • Technologies for open AI platforms including software algorithms, data repositories, agent-based systems, robotics and autonomous systems platforms

The funding calls are found in two-year work programmes, with the last 2021-2022 WP deadlines now approaching. The 2023-2024 WP is currently being prepared by the European Commission, with publication foreseen towards the end of this year, so that calls can open in early 2023. At Research Services, we have sight of the WP drafts, which give an early indication of which topics may appear.

Having skimmed through the most recently received drafts, below is a flavour of what we can expect in terms of AI-related topics across clusters. Please note that the drafts are subject to change and some topics may change or disappear.

Cluster 1 – Health

  • Personalised prevention for non-communicable diseases – addressing areas of unmet needs using multiple data sources
  • Harnessing the potential of real-time data analysis and secure point-of-Care computing for the benefit of person-centred health and care delivery
  • Development and harmonisation of methodologies for assessing digital health technologies in Europe

Cluster 2 – Culture, creativity and inclusive society

  • Beyond the horizon: A human-friendly deployment of artificial intelligence and related technologies
  • New approaches for combatting corruption and other undue influences on political decision-making
  • Assessing and strengthening the complementarity between new technologies and human skills

Cluster 3 – Civil security for society

  • Capabilities for land border surveillance and situational awareness
  • Identify, inspect, neutralise Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) at sea

Cluster 4 – Digital, industry and space

  • Novel paradigms and approaches, towards AI-driven autonomous robots
  • Novel paradigms and approaches, towards AI-powered robots – step change in functionality
  • Industrial leadership in AI, Data and Robotics enabling the green transition
  • Computational models for the development of safe and sustainable by design chemicals and materials
  • Smart sensors for the home and personal products market
  • Cognitive Computing Continuum: Intelligence and automation for more efficient data processing
  • Next Generation eXtended Reality

Cluster 5 – Climate, energy and mobility

  • Further climate knowledge through advanced science and technologies for analysing Earth Observation and Earth System Model data
  • Critical technologies for the future ocean energy farms
  • User-centric design and operation of ZEV for optimized energy efficiency
  • Competitiveness and digital transformation in aviation – advancing further capabilities, digital approach to design
  • AI for advanced and collective perception and decision making for CCAM applications

Cluster 6 – Food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture and environment

  • Transformative action of policy mixes, governance and digitalisation addressing biodiversity loss
  • Using automatic species recognition and artificial intelligence to fight illegal fish discards and revolutionise fisheries control
  • Eradicate micronutrient deficiencies in the EU
  • Citizens’ science as an opportunity to foster the transition to sustainable food systems
  • Knowledge and innovative solutions in agriculture for water availability and quality
  • Develop innovative applications to support the European Green Deal, building on meteorological satellite data
  • Digital technologies supporting plant health early detection, territory surveillance and phytosanitary measures
  • Data-driven solutions to foster industry’s contribution to inclusive and sustainable food system

Moreover, in the part of Horizon Europe called Widening participation and strengthening the ERA, early indications suggest that there will be prioritised funding to develop area-specific ethics and integrity guidance and training activities to support expertise for AI in specific fields of application.

It is also expected that future EIC Pathfinder Challenges will require the integration of AI. These opportunities will be known via the specific annual work programmes of EIC.

If you are a Lund University employee and have questions about, or plan to apply for, Horizon Europe, please get in touch with members of the Research Services EU-team.


april 28, 2022


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Events for ERC Starting Grant applicants in the 2023 call  

ERC Starting Grants workshop

Research Services invites you to our ERC Starting Grants workshop on 30 May. The workshop is open to researchers who are planning to apply for an ERC Starting Grant (StG) with Lund University as their host institution. The workshop is run by Yellow Research, a consultancy firm with extensive experience in running ERC workshops and in pre-submission review of ERC Grants. It will provide participants with an in-depth overview and practical information on the ERC Starting Grant scheme. Participants should gain a deeper understanding of the proposal format and the key issues relating to planning, writing and costing a proposal. 

You are welcome to register for this workshop if you are planning to apply for an ERC StG in the next call (call 2023) with Lund University as your host institution, or if you are interested in applying for an ERC grant in the future. The workshop will be held over Zoom, in English.

Date:     Monday, 30 May, from 9.00 to 15:00.
Venue:  Zoom

Extra session and training camp for ERC Starting Grants

Apart from the ERC workshop on 30 May, Research Services will arrange two connected events with the aim of giving ERC StG applicants an extra boost in the 2023 call. You are welcome to register for these activities if you are planning to apply for an ERC Starting Grant in the 2023 call.

On 10 June we have arranged an extra session to help you kick-start your proposal writing, and to receive feedback on your CV/Track Record. The session is in preparation for the ERC training camp later in late summer. In order to attend this session on 10 June, you must submit a short project synopsis, CV and track record (2 pages each, in total max 6 pages) by 6 June at 12:00. Details on where to submit this material will be included in your confirmation email for attendance at the extra session in the beginning ofJune. This session will be held in person in Lund.

Date:     Friday, 10 June, from 9.00 to 12:00.
Venue:  tbc, Lund

In the week of 22 – 26 August there will be a two-day training camp (dates tbc) where you can receive valuable information from ERC evaluators and ERC grantees, as well as get feedback on your draft proposal. To attend this training camp, you must provide a draft proposal (section B1 of the application, including CV and Track Record) by 15 August. Submission details will be included when we confirm the dates and format of the training camp. Please note that you may only attend the ERC training camp once.

Date:     2 days between 22 – 26 August
Venue:  Tbc


Please register at this link (for all events) by 23 May 2022.

You are welcome to contact us for further information on the ERC Starting Grants scheme or on the support events described above.

Best regards,

John Phillips & Kerstin Gidlöf


 Preliminary deadline for ERC Starting Grant call 202225 October 2022

Further information on Starting Grants, for researchers awarded their PhD 2-7 years prior to 1 January 2023     


april 22, 2022

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MSCA Doctoral Networks webinar 2022

Doctoral Networks are projects implementing doctoral programmes by partnerships of universities, infrastructures, businesses etc. from different countries across Europe and beyond. These doctoral programmes will respond to well-identified needs in various research and innovation areas, expose the researchers to the academic and non-academic sectors, and offer research training, as well as transferable skills and competences relevant for innovation and long-term employability.

The Recruited researchers must be recruited from another country (mobility rule). All research fields are eligible. EU funds salaries, research and training costs of the doctoral students for 36 months. The duration of the doctoral network programme is 48 months.

Aim: The webinar aims to give an overview of the programme and offer a possibility for the participants to ask and discuss strategic questions regarding the planning and writing of the proposal. The webinar will also provide you with contact information to the research support staff at the participating universities.

Participation: The webinar is open to all who have an interest in the MSCA Doctoral Network programme. We encourage all researchers who are planning to apply, both as coordinators or partners, to participate in the webinar. Register here no later than 25 March. 

Time & tool: 29 March 10:00-11:00 via Zoom. The webinar will be held in English.
Speaker: Erik Litborn, Swedish National Contact Point, Vinnova
Host: Research Services, Lunds universitet in collaboration with Lärosäten Syd

mars 14, 2022

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MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships webinar 2022

Marie Curie on a chair in her laboratory | Source: Wikimedia Commons
Marie Curie on a chair in her laboratory | Source: Wikimedia Commons

Marie S. Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships are 2-year fellowships for researchers holding a PhD and who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility. Applications are made jointly by the researcher and the host institution, which can be situated in Europe or beyond.

Aim: The webinar aims to give an overview of the programme and the planning and writing of the proposal. It will also provide you with contact information to the research support staff at the universities organizing the webinar.

Participation: The webinar is open to all who have an interest in the MSCA Fellowship programme. We encourage all fellows planning to apply to participate in the webinar, both fellows who will apply with Lund University as host and their supervisors, and fellows who will apply for an MSCA fellowship somewhere else.

Time & tool: 31 March at 14:00 – 15:00 via Zoom. The webinar will be held in English

Speaker: Isabel Dellacasa Lindberg, Swedish National Contact Point, Vetenskapsrådet

Host: Research Services, Lunds universitet in collaboration with Lärosäten Syd*

Register to attend: no later than 25 March. Register here

More information on MSCA PF

*Lärosäten Syd: Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Högskolan i Halmstad, Högskolan Kristianstad, Linnéuniversitet, Lunds universitet, Malmö universitet och Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet

mars 14, 2022

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Open calls and Vinnova event on funding from European Innovation Council

X-Lab, the makerspace at LTH, Lund University
X-Lab, the makerspace at LTH, Lund University

The calls for Pathfinder Open and Transition Open are now open for proposals! The deadlines for 2022 are as follows:

Pathfinder Open: 3 May 2022. Go to call.

Transition Open: 4 May 2022. Go to call. (Open to proposals developing results from Pathfinder, FET or ERC-PoC projects)

Are you interested in applying for funding from the European Innovation Council (EIC)? Do you have questions about the application process? Or do you want to know more about EIC in general? Please do not hesitate to contact us at Research services! For further information on upcoming EIC calls, please see our blog post EIC Work programme 2022

Vinnova digital event: The European Innovation Council’s (EIC) funding programs for cutting-edge technologies

Take the opportunity to participate in the Vinnova information meeting on the main EIC financing system, including Pathfinder, Transition and Accelerator. This digital meeting takes place Thursday 31 March 2022 kl. 13:00-16:30. The meeting will be held in Swedish. Go to meeting registration

Kind regards,

Research Services

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Interdisciplinary projects focusing on Agenda 2030 and sustainable development

Magnolia in full bloom in front of the university building.
Magnolia in full bloom in front of the university building.

Lund University has set aside up to SEK 100 million for a university-wide investment in excellence at Lund University with a focus on Agenda 2030 and sustainable development for the period 2021-2025. Within the framework of this program, the Research Board has previously announced funding for interdisciplinary projects in the spring of 2021.

Funding for interdisciplinary projects are now announced for the second and final time.

The application deadline is 25 November 2022 at 14.00. Faculties may have special instructions for applying for project funding.

Further information is available on the Research Board’s web page on the Staff Pages

Information meeting

A webinar focusing on Agenda 2030, sustainable development and the relevance criterion will be arranged on 11 March at 12.00-13.00. Please note that you need to sign up in order to receive information about joining the webinar.

Questions are answered by research liasion officer Tina Trollås, Research Services (

februari 17, 2022

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EIC Work programme 2022

Attosekundforskning vid Lunds universitet
Attosekundforskning vid Lunds universitet

The work programme for European Innovation Council 2022 has finally been launched!

EIC aim to support from early stage cutting edge research to the scale-up of genuinely innovative SMEs. The work programme contains the calls for 2022 and the main structure remains since the last year with the paths of Pathfinder, Transition and Accelerator. Pathfinder and Transition are open for researchers but Accelerator is dedicated to start-ups and SMEs. See an overview of the EIC programme.

The EIC Pathfinder programme aim to fund research to achieve proof of principle and validate the scientific basis of breakthrough technologies, early stage development of future technologies (TRL 1-4). It supports the exploration of bold ideas for radically new technologies. It welcomes the high risk / high gain and interdisciplinary cutting edge science collaborations that underpin technological breakthroughs.

The EIC Pathfinder Open grant is up to EUR 3 million with deadline 3 May 2022 (link to call in EU F&T portal).

The EIC Pathfinder Challenge grant is up to EUR 4 million, deadline 19 Oct 2022 (not opened yet, call text in EIC Work programme). The Challenges for 2022 are: 1) Carbon dioxide and nitrogen management and valorisation; 2) Mid to long term and systems integrated energy storage; 3) Cardiogenomics; 4) Towards the Healthcare Continuum: technologies to support a radical shift from episodic to continuous healthcare; 5) DNA-based digital data storage; 6) Alternative approaches to Quantum Information Processing, Communication, and Sensing.

The EIC Transition programme fund projects which aim to validate and demonstrate technology in applied-relevant environment and develop market readiness (TRL 6-8). This funding is dedicated to results that have been produced in EIC Pathfinder, FET or ERC-PoC projects.

The EIC Transition Open grant is up to EUR 2.5 million, deadline 4 May and 28 Sept. 2022 (link to EIC Transition Open call in EU F&T portal).

The EIC Transition Challenge grant is up to EUR 2.5 million, deadline 4 May and 28 Sept. 2022 (link to Challenge calls in EU F&T portal). The Challenges for 2022 are: 1) Green digital devices for the future; 2) Process and system integration of clean energy technologies; 3) RNA-based therapies and diagnostics for complex or rare genetic diseases.

The work programme with all information regarding all the calls during 2022 can be found here.

Two examples of local planning grants

If you plan to coordinate a collaborative EIC Pathfinder proposal, please note that you now also can apply for the planning grant from Region Skåne.

At Lund University there is an internal planning grant for coordinators of collaborative EU-proposals, please contact Karin Langborger at Research Services:

If you are a Lund University employee and have questions about, or plan to apply for, Horizon Europe, please get in touch with members of the Research Services EU-team.

februari 10, 2022

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Get support from SSF to write an EU application

Stiftelsen för Strategisk Forskning

The call is open to researchers employed at Swedish universities and research institutes who intend to apply for HEU projects in the role of project coordinator for collaborative projects within HEU Pillar 2 “Global Challenges & European Industrial Competitiveness”. Selected projects will be awarded grants of a maximum of SEK 500,000 for direct work on the preparation of the HEU application (salaries, travel, consultants).

Please note the deadline, 1 March 2022 kl 14:00. Further information can be found here

Best regards, Anna-Karin Wihlborg

januari 24, 2022


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Annual call: funding for university-wide research infrastructure 2022

Lund University has allocated funding for university-wide research infrastructure. This is an annually recurrent call, that especially invites applications from cross-disciplinary research environments with strategic importance for the university.

The university-wide Research Board and their working group for research infrastructure is responsible for preparing the submitted applications. The final decision is taken by the Vice Chancellor.

The minimum sum to apply for is 250 000 SEK annually, whilst the maximum amount is 10 MSEK annually. Funding may be disbursed for a maximum of five years, staring January 2023 at the earliest.

Further information can be found in the call document, the application form, and the management rules (STYR 2021/2717), all available on the university-wide Research Board’s web page on the Swedish Staff Pages. Note that all documents are in Swedish.

Deadline for this call is 1 March 2022.
Questions may be directed to Johanna Mellgren, Research Services:

januari 20, 2022

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EU Missions info days 18-19 januari 2022

Please take the opportunity to attend this event to learn more about the missions in Horizon Europe.

It is arranged by the European commission and aims to inform potential applicants about the new topics included in the EU Missions work programme 2021. Link to information and program.

Latest versions of work programmes can be found here.

januari 17, 2022


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EIC Pathfinder workshop 2022

Are you curious about EIC Pathfinder or preparing a proposal for 2022? The Horizon Europe initiative, European Innovation Council (EIC) aims to identify and support breakthrough technologies and game changing innovations to create new markets and scale up internationally. The Pathfinder grant programme supports research teams to research or develop an emerging breakthrough technology.

Please, take the opportunity to attend our workshop on how to write a successful Pathfinder proposal, exclusively arranged for researchers at LU. This training will give practical advice on writing each section of an EIC Pathfinder proposal including how to present high-risk / high gain and interdisciplinary collaborations in a convincing way.

When: Friday 28 January 2022, between 9.30 and 12.00
Please register using this link no later than 26 January 2022. The workshop will be held in English, and you attend via Zoom. Attendance is free of charge.

You are always welcome to contact us at Research Services for further information on the EIC Grants scheme as well as other HEU related programmes. For EIC Pathfinder deadlines and topics, please see below.

Best wishes
Kerstin, John and Anna-Karin

januari 17, 2022

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