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Information meetings for the 2023–2024 Horizon Europe topics

Universitetshuset informationsenhet entre detalj

Finally, Horizon Europe Work Programmes for 2023–2024 released!

The Commission has FINALLY released final versions of the Horizon Europe Work Programmes for 2023-2024. These Work Programmes are catalogues of available funding over the next two years, and are an invaluable tool for planning your applications. You can find links to the Work Programmes, along with several fine quotes from the Commission, at the following link:

EU to invest €13.5 billion in research and innovation for 2023-2024


How do I find out more?

Given the release of the new Work Programmes, now is an excellent time to engage with collaborative research in Horizon Europe. To help you find the right topic, Research Services are arranging a full programme of digital information meetings at Lund. We have designed these meetings to give a concise overview of the key themes and novelties in each thematic cluster, and practical tips for using the relevant Work Programme. We aim to make these events welcoming to researchers just getting starting with EU funding, while providing useful technical details for those of you with more experience. You can sign up for these events at the links below:




Thematic Cluster

Registration link

Monday 23 January

15:00 – 15:45

Digital, Industry and Space

Cluster 4 registration

Tuesday 24 January

15:00 – 15:45

Culture, Creativity & Inclusive Society

Cluster 2 registration

Wednesday 25 January

15:00 – 15:45

Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture & Environment

Cluster 6 registration

Monday 30 January

15:00 – 15:45

Civil Security for Society

Cluster 3 registration

Tuesday 31 January

15:00 – 15:45

Climate, Energy & Mobility

Cluster 5 registration

Wednesday 1 February

15:00 – 15:45


Cluster 1 registration


Beyond our own events, we can also recommend some other upcoming information meetings:

  • The Commission runs a full programme of information events. While some of these events have been taking place over December, recordings of all events are made available after they have finished. These events tend to be packed full of detail: EC Information days
  • Region Skåne is offering 4 workshops focused on those clusters most relevant for Skåne’s smart specialisation areas: Health; Digital, Industry and Space; Climate, Energy and Mobility; and Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture & Environment. These events are in collaboration with Sweden’s National Contact Points for these clusters: Region Skåne information meetings (in Swedish)


On top of these meetings, you are always welcome to contact us directly at Research Services to discuss your specific interests and needs for your research. We look forward to discussing these upcoming funding opportunities with you!

Contact information for staff at Research Services – contact Anna-Karin Wihlborg, Anneli Wiklander, John Phillips, Kerstin Gidlöf or Rickard Eksten for help with EU funding.

december 14, 2022


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Financial support for writing your Horizon Europe application


There are a number of avenues available to you to receive funding and other support for the planning of your application to Horizon Europe.

Lund University provides both a planning grant and a coordination grant to researchers.

The planning grant funds up to 75 000 SEK to researchers at Lund University who are coordinating a collaborative proposal in Horizon Europe with a minimum of three participating organisations. It is awarded retrospectively after the proposal has been evaluated and can cover costs incurred during the application phase, such as travel and meeting costs. The grant presupposes that the researcher has been in contact with Research Services about their application during the application phase.

The coordination grant funds up to 200 000 SEK per year to researchers at Lund University who are coordinating a collaborative Horizon Europe project. The funds can be used to cover project costs not funded by the European Commission.

For further information about the planning and coordination grants, and to ensure whether your proposal is eligible for support, contact Karin Langborger ( or Carl Lagerqvist (


There are also planning grants available from other Swedish organisations, for various parts of the programme and various target groups. This information is generally available in Swedish.



Typ av stöd




Mer information


Förhandsgranskning av ansökningar inom hållbar industri

Hållbar industri, för sökande till kluster 4, 5 och 6


31 dec 2023 (löpande)

Förhandsgranskning av ansökningar



Svensk akademi, m.fl. som planerar att delta i en internationell ansökan inom området hälsa eller inom matsystem.

200 000 – 300 000 SEK

Öppnas inom kort

Förberedelseprojekt för internationell ansökan inom hälsa och mat



Hållbar industri

300 000 – 500 000 SEK

31 maj 2023

Planeringsprojekt inom Hållbar industri 2023



Sökande inom kluster 3 – Civil säkerhet för samhället

50 000 för partner

150 000 för koordinator

Löpande ansökan och beviljande under vårtermin

Horisont Europa på MSBs webbplats

Stiftelsen för Strategisk Forskning


Forskare inom naturvetenskap, teknik eller medicin som ansöker om rollen som projektkoordinator till HEU pelare 2 projekt under 2023-2024

500 000 SEK


SSF: EU Horisont Europa ansökningsstöd 2023

Region Skåne


Små och medelstora företag (SME)

Icke-vinstdrivande organisationer

Från Skåne

Max 100 000 SEK

Löpande med uppehåll under sommar och julhelger

Planeringsbidrag för fler skånska ansökningar till Horisont Europa




november 30, 2022


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MSCA4Ukraine – a new call for fellowships to displaced Ukrainian researchers

Flags of the European Union and Ukraine | Source: Wikimedia Commons
Flags of the European Union and Ukraine | Source: Wikimedia Commons

— — — Update: the call closes on 25 November — — —

Due to a large response, more than 400 applications towards the cut-off date of November 11, and the high likelihood that funding will be committed on the basis of applications received by the first cut-off date, the MSCA4Ukraine portal will close on Friday 25 November at midnight CET until further notice.

Please note that any applications received after the first cut-off date and before 25 November will only be evaluated if funding remains after the selection of applications received by the first cut-off date of 11 November. In the unlikely case that there is still funding available after the first two rounds of evaluation, the portal will reopen for new applications in early 2023.



The mobility programme Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions has opened a new call to allow displaced postdoctoral researchers and doctoral candidates in, or from Ukraine, to apply for fellowships to continue their work at academic and non-academic organisations in EU Member States and Associated Countries. The duration of the fellowships is between 6 and 24 months.  The scheme may also facilitate researchers’ reintegration in Ukraine if conditions for safe return are met. The fellowships are open to all disciplines of research and innovation.  

Short summary of the programme requirements: 


Ukrainian nationals, or stateless persons, or nationals from third countries other than Ukraine, with their primary residence in Ukraine on 24 February 2022. They could either have been displaced on or after 24 February 2022 or are ready to relocate from Ukraine.

Are postdoctoral researchers in possession of a doctoral degree by the time the fellowship is set to begin, or doctoral candidates, enrolled in a doctoral programme at a higher education institution in Ukraine.

Have the language skills required to successfully conduct their research activities at the envisaged host organization

Host organisations: academic or non-academic organisations in any EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country.

Applications: must be submitted by prospective host organisations

Duration:  a minimum of 6 months, up to a maximum of 24 months.

EU contribution: Fellowship rates will be in line with Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Networks and MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships.


From October 24 – The call is open for submissions via an online portal, which you find here:

Cut-off dates: The portal will remain open for applications until 25 November 2022. Fellowships will be offered starting in January 2023.

More information:


Welcome to contact Lund University Research Services for more information and help:

Kerstin Gidlöf, Karin Langborger, Anneli Wiklander

november 22, 2022

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EU - MSCA EU-finansiering


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Get funding from SSF to write an EU application

Stiftelsen för Strategisk Forskning

The call is open to researchers in natural science, technology or medicine employed at Swedish universities and research institutes who intend to apply for Horizon Europe projects in the role of project coordinator for collaborative projects within HEU Pillar 2 “Global Challenges & European Industrial Competitiveness” during 2023-2024.

Selected projects will be awarded grants of a maximum of SEK 500,000. The grants are to be used exclusively for covering costs for salaries, travel, and consultants in direct connection to the preparation of an HEU application.

Please note the deadline: 1 March 2022 kl 14:00

Further information and application documentation is available on the SSF website

In addition, if you have identified calls that are of interest to you, please do not hesitate to contact us at Research Services. We can help you with call intelligence as well as other useful information.


november 21, 2022


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European Research Council: Support events for Advanced Grants 2023

European Research Council

Workshop, 14 December

Research Services invites you to an ERC Advanced Grants workshop on 14 December via Zoom. The workshop is run by Yellow Research and will provide you with an in-depth overview and practical information on the ERC Advanced Grants scheme, as well as deeper understanding of the proposal format and the key issues relating to planning and writing a proposal. The workshop is open for those planning to apply for an ERC Advanced Grant in the upcoming 2023 call as well as those interested in applying for an ERC grant further on.

Date: December 14, 2022, 9:00 – 12:30
Location: Zoom
Register via this link (by 7 December)


Individual consultations 18-19 January

Opportunities for individual consultations with the Yellow Research consultant will be offered in January. These consultations are for researchers who are planning to apply for an ERC Advanced Grant in the 2023 call, with Lund University as their host institution. You will have the opportunity to discuss your CV and project idea with the consultant, to help you develop your idea into a successful ERC proposal. In order to receive an individual consultation, you should request one using the registration link above, and then must submit a short project synopsis, CV and track record (2 pages each, in total max 6 pages) no later than 11 January at 12.00. Submission details will follow when your consultation is confirmed.

The consultations will be held on January 18 and 19 over Zoom. You will have the opportunity to book a time on these dates with the consultant directly.

Please note that spaces are limited. If necessary, we will prioritize researchers who have not previously received an individual consultation.


Preliminary deadline for ERC Advanced Grants call 2023: 23 May 2023

For more information about the call see: Advanced Grant | ERC (


Best regards,
Kerstin Gidlöf & John Phillips
Research Services


november 16, 2022

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EU - ERC EU-finansiering


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How to get EU funding for your innovative idea

X-Lab, the makerspace at LTH, Lund University
X-Lab, the makerspace at LTH, Lund University

A webinar on opportunities in the European Innovation Council

Research Services is pleased to invite you to a webinar about the European Innovation Council (EIC). The EIC is part of the EU framework programme Horizon Europe. The new EIC calls for 2023 are about to open imminently, so we want to ensure that interested researchers have the necessary information before the calls open.

The webinar will focus in particular on the EIC Pathfinder, which provides funding to research teams to research or develop an emerging breakthrough technology.

The webinar will cover:
– What is the European Innovation Council?
– The instrument EIC Pathfinder Open
– How to apply?
– Which are the success factors when applying?
– Insights from fellow LU researchers who have received funding
– What support does Research Services offer?

No previous knowledge about the European Innovation Council is required to attend this webinar. We will focus on practical advice, and all questions are welcome.

The webinar will take place on 24 November 2022, 15:00 – 16:00. It will be conducted over Zoom, in English, and will include ample time for questions.

Please register for this webinar, by 23 November at the latest, via this link:

By registering to this webinar, you will also be added to our EIC sending list and get continuous updates regarding EIC from Research services at Lund University.

If you have any questions, please contact us at Research services (


oktober 28, 2022

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EU - EIC EU-finansiering


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Events for ERC Consolidator Grant applicants in the 2023 call

Universitetshuset och sommarblommor
Universitetshuset i kvällsljus, augusti 2016. Bilden finns även som högupplöst TIFF om du ska trycka den i storformat. Kontakta

ERC Consolidator Grant workshop, 10 October

Research Services invites you to a Consolidator Grants workshop on 10 October via Zoom. The workshop is run by Yellow Research, and will provide you with an in-depth overview and practical information on the ERC Consolidator Grants scheme, as well as deeper understanding of the proposal format and the key issues relating to planning, writing and costing a proposal. The workshop is open for those planning to apply for an ERC CoG grant in the upcoming 2023 call as well as those interested in applying for an ERC grant further on.

Date: October 10, 2022, 9:00 – 12:30

Location: Zoom

Register here (by 3 October)

ERC Consolidator Grant Consultations, 27-28 October

Research Services are offering ERC Consolidator Grant consultations with Yellow Research, who are running our introductory workshop. At these consultations, you will have the opportunity to discuss your CV and project idea with a consultant, to help you develop your idea into a successful ERC proposal. Spaces are limited to researchers planning to apply in the 2023 call, and to participate you will need to submit your CV and project idea in advance. The consultations will be held on October 27-28.

Dates: October 27 & 28, 2022

Location: Zoom

Register here (together with the above workshop, by 3 October)

You are welcome to contact us for further information on the ERC Consolidator Grants scheme or on the support events described above.

Best regards,

John Phillips & Kerstin Gidlöf

augusti 30, 2022

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EU - ERC EU-finansiering


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EU funding for beginners


Research Services is pleased to invite you to ‘EU funding for beginners’, a webinar aimed at researchers who are new to European research funding. At this interactive webinar, expert staff from Research Services will present funding opportunities available through Horizon Europe, covering topics such as:

  • What is Horizon Europe?
  • How do I find relevant funding calls for me?
  • Why apply for European funding?
  • What support do Research services at LU offer?

No previous knowledge of European funding is needed to attend this course, and it is even suitable for researchers just starting to apply for their own funding. We will focus on simple, practical advice, and all questions will be welcome.

The webinar will take place on October 21, 2021 from 11:00 – 12:00. It will be conducted over Zoom, in English, and will include ample time for questions.

To register for this webinar, please use the link below by October 18 at the latest:

If you have any questions, please contact us at Research services (

augusti 24, 2022


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Do you want to learn more about applying for EU funding?

Rapsfält om sommaren
Rapsfält om sommaren

This autumn, Region Skåne offers a series of free courses that aim to cover knowledge about the application phase of Horizon Europe.

Please note that this series will be given in Swedish.

These Horizon Europe Master classes focus on collaborative projects and are aimed at researchers, advisors at universities, actors in the business world, public sector or other organizations such as e.g. cluster initiatives, trade associations, incubators and more.

The training is given in Swedish by IMCG – experts in EU financing and Horizon Europe ( It will be given in four modules, four Thursdays (see below), and is carried out on site in Lund and Malmö (exact location to be announced later). The modules work best together – but participants are also welcome on selected occasions.

Reserve your place by sending an email to:





augusti 15, 2022


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Pivot-RP, database for research funding opportunities

Pivot-RP logo

Lund University (LU) has a new database for research funding opportunities: Pivot-RP replaces Research Professional, the latter which LU has subscribed for during a number of years. Pivot-RP and Research Professional will run in parallel until approximately October 2022.

Using Pivot-RP you can search for research funding opportunities in all scientific fields, from both national and international sources. You can also search for funding to participate in research conferences, and for post-doc funding.

In addition, Pivot-RP lets you:
– receive emails on current calls;
– save your application profiles;
– save interesting calls;
– share information with your colleagues.

Log in to Pivot-RP

To log in and create a profile:

You can either log in using your university assigned e-mail address and a password of your own choosing, or by first selecting Lund University from the pull-down menu and then logging in using your Lucat-ID.

You can use Pivot-RP straight away without creating a personal profile. However, a profile is needed in order to save searches and set up e-mail alerts on relevant funding opportunities.

As Pivot-RP is connected to Lund’s Research Portal, you as a researcher should already have a profile in place. You access this profile by claiming it when you are encouraged to do so. It is also possible to create a personal profile manually with your university e-mail address.

juni 20, 2022

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Meeting in Brussels?

Take the opportunity to gather your consortium or organise a policy event!

As a researcher at one of the universities of south Sweden, you can use the conference room of the Brussels office of Universities in South Sweden free of charge.

The meeting room is located on the first floor of Nordic House, in the heart of the EU quarter, with easy access to public transportation and the EU institutions.  

The room is 84 m², can take up to 35 people depending on seating concept and equipped with Free Wi-Fi, equipment for easier video/hybrid-conferences and projector.

For more information and reservations, please contact the Universities in South Sweden Brussels office via

juni 16, 2022

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Support the coordination of multi-partner EU-funded projects

Universitetshuset i höstfärg
Universitetshuset i höstskrud

Listen to Ana Cordeiro (project coordinator at the Office for Research, Engagement and Innovation Services) who shares her experiences at Stockholm University in encouraging and supporting researchers to become coordinators for EU-funded projects.

When: June 9 | 11:00 – 12:00 CEST

The webinar is arranged by UNICA Research 

Further information and link to registration

If you are a Lund University employee and have questions about, or plan to apply for funding from Horizon Europe, please get in touch with members of the Research Services EU-team.

You may also send us an email and tell us which of the different Horizon funding programmes that you want information about

Anna-Karin Wihlborg

+46-46-222 62 21

juni 7, 2022


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