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Marie Skłodowska-Curie Staff Exchanges webinar 2023

Young people from six different countries exchanging ideas in Palaestra during a visit to Lund

14 September: Welcome to a webinar on the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Staff Exchanges action (MSCA SE)

MSCA SE promotes international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration in research and innovation through the exchange of personnel, and knowledge and ideas in all the stages of the innovation chain. The aim is to develop sustainable collaborative projects between different organisations from the academic and non-academic sectors in Europe and beyond.

Staff Exchanges projects can last up to four years. The grant funds the mobility of seconded staff members from one month to one year. Staff involved should return to their sending organisations after the secondment, to pass on their knowledge.


  • Isabel Dellacasa Lindberg, National Contact Point, Swedish Research Council
  • Rustamjon Urinboyev, researcher at Lund University, and coordinator of two MSCA SE projects

Date: 14 September, 15:00-16:00

Registration: by email to Anneli Wiklander,, no later than 12 September


augusti 29, 2023

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Open call – EIC Pathfinder Challenges 2023

X-Lab, the makerspace at LTH, Lund University
X-Lab, the makerspace at LTH, Lund University

The European Innovation Council (EIC) aim to support game changing innovations throughout the lifecycle and offers funding programmes for early-stage research, to proof of concept, technology transfer, and the financing and scale up of start-ups and SMEs.

Specifically, the EIC Pathfinder Challenges fund innovative projects dedicated to a number of specified Challenges. A total budget of 163.5 million euros is planned for 2023, which will be distributed roughly equally for all “Challenges”. Up to €4 million can be awarded to individual collaborative projects. Higher project budgets can also be applied for with very good justification.

The five “Challenges” for 2023 are listed here:

  1. Clean and efficient cooling
  2. Architecture, Engineering and Construction digitalisation for a novel triad of design, fabrication, and materials
  3. Precision nutrition
  4. Responsible electronics
  5. In-space solar energy harvesting for innovative space applications

Link to the Challenges in the EU funding and tenders portal

For researchers at Lund University, we have compiled an overview of the Challenges, information and related links. Download it via LU Box.

If you are interested in applying and want some guidance, please don’t hesitate to contact Research Services at LU


juni 21, 2023

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Framåt för Lunds universitet i EU:s ramprogram

Sveriges flagga och EU:s flagga på Universitetshuset i Lund | Fotograf: Rickard Eksten
Sveriges flagga och EU:s flagga på Universitetshuset i Lund | Fotograf: Rickard Eksten

Nu är vi ungefär en tredjedel igenom EU:s ramprogram för forskning och innovation – Horisont Europa (2021–2027) – och kan börja se trender över hur det går för Lunds universitet och våra forskare.

I universitetets nya forskningsstrategi 2023–2026 är målsättningen att LU ska bli Sveriges främsta deltagare i EU:s ramprogram, såväl sett till antal projekt som beviljade medel.

Hittills når också Lunds universitet upp till denna målsättning: LU har hämtat hem 53 miljoner euro, med råge mest i Sverige, och 89 enskilda projektdeltagande är näst mest i Sverige, endast ett projekt efter KTH. LU:s deltagande per programdel:

Tabellen visar universitetets beviljade medel och antal projekt*

Programdel i Horisont EuropaAntal hemtagna euroAntal projekt
Europeiska forskningsrådet, ERC19,3 miljoner euro15
Marie Skłodowska-Curie åtgärder, MSCA10,2 miljoner euro28
Forskningsinfrastrukturer0,9 miljoner euro2
Globala utmaningar och europeisk industriell konkurrenskraft16,7 miljoner euro35
Europeiska innovationsrådet, EIC5,3 miljoner euro7
Breddat deltagande och förstärkning av ERA0,8 miljoner euro2

Utifrån ett internationellt perspektiv går det också bra för Lunds universitet. En något ökande andel av budgeten i Horisont Europa tas hem av forskare vid LU. LU rankas som 18 bland alla deltagande lärosäten (av totalt 1685). Det är en klättring från plats 23 i Horisont 2020. Bland nordiska lärosäten ligger LU sjätte plats i antal medel, och sjunde plats i antal projekt.

Det är dock svårt att jämföra deltagande i Horisont 2020 med det i Horisont Europa, dels för att programmen är olika uppbyggda och dels för att länder som Storbritannien och Schweiz deltar i mycket mindre grad i Horisont Europa, på grund av komplikationerna i ländernas politiska relation till EU.

Läs även Per Mickwitz text: I Göteborg vet man att det går bra för Lunds universitet i Horisont Europa.


Två saker som är extra värda att lyfta fram ur Horisont-statistiken:

  • Lunds universitet är det första svenska lärosätet att ha haft över 100 ERC-projekt, sedan ERC:s start 2007.
  • Lunds universitet rankas som 8:a bland alla lärosäten i det Europeiska innovationsrådet, EIC. EIC är den del av Horisont Europa där universitetet gör relativt sett bäst ifrån sig.

Andra pågående samarbetsprojekt inom Horisont Europa som koordineras av forskare vid LU:

Pelare II – Globala utmaningar

  • Adam Kristensson, CLIMB-FOREST – Climate mitigation and bioeconomy pathways for sustainable forestry, antal partner: 16
  • Aliaksei Laureshyn, AfroSAFE – Safe system for radical improvement of road safety in low- and middle-income African countries, antal partner: 11
  • Marko Scholze, AVENGERS – Attributing and verifying European and national greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions and reconciliation with statistical bottom up estimates, antal partner: 12

Pelare III – Europeiska innovationsrådet

  • Cord Arnold, SISHOT – Single-shot, ultrashort laser pulse characterization based on the dispersion scan technique, antal partner: 2 
  • Anders Mikkelsen, InsectNeuroNano – Insect-Brain inspired Neuromorphic Nanophotonics, antal partner: 3

Forskningsservice vid sektion FSI (Forskning, Samverkan och Innovation) har särskilt ansvar för EU:s ramprogram och ger stöd och hjälp till dig som vill söka projekt ur Horisont Europa. EU:s ramprogram för forskning och innovation | Medarbetarwebben

*Statistiken kommer från EU-kommissionens Horizon Europe Dashboard och avser kontrakt som signerats innan 9 juni 2023. Statistiken innehåller en viss eftersläpning med drygt 15 projekt vid LU som blivit beviljade men där kontrakten inte är slutförda.

juni 20, 2023

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Workshop: How to Write a Competitive Proposal for a MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2023

Postdoctoral Fellowships give researchers holding a PhD a chance to gain new skills and experience whilst carrying out their own research project abroad. The MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship call is open to researchers of any nationality and applications in any scientific field. The Fellowships include European Fellowships, which allow researchers to carry out a personalised project in the EU or countries associated to Horizon Europe, and Global Fellowships, open to European nationals or long-term residents wishing to work with organisations in third countries before returning to a host institution in Europe. Deadline for the call: 13 September 2023.

Check if you are eligible to apply:
Mobility rule for European Fellowships: All nationals can apply, but the fellow cannot have resided or worked/studied in Sweden more than 12 months during the last 36 months immediately before the deadline on 13 September.

Mobility rule for Global Fellowships: mobility rule: fellows must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the host organisation for the outgoing phase for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before the call deadline 13 September.

Fellow must successfully have defended the PhD thesis at the time of the deadline and have no more than a maximum of 8 years full-time equivalent experience in research from the date of PhD award.

If you sent in an MSCA PF application to the 2022 call, your evaluation score must be above 70% to be eligible to apply this year.

Workshop participation:
The workshop is open for fellows who plan to apply with Lund University as host and already have a project idea and an agreement with a supervisor at LU. Supervisors are welcome to participate as the application both gains on and needs to be written in collaboration.

Workshop objectives:
Understand what MSCA PF reviewers are looking for in your proposal.
How to communicate key messages within the Excellence, Impact, and Implementation sections of the proposal.
Develop skills and knowledge for writing a competitive MSCA PF proposal.
How to avoid common pitfalls.

Workshop held by: Dr Vicky Edkins, GrantCraft Services – WRG Europe. The workshop will be held in English.
Venue: Zoom, the link will be sent out a couple of days before the workshop
Date and time: 10 and 11 May 13:30 – 17:00

Please register here no later than 4 May.

Any questions on the workshop or eligibility?
Contact: Kerstin Gidlöf, Karin Langborger, Anneli Wiklander at Research Services, Lund University.

april 24, 2023

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On the art of leadership and communication in a multicultural academy

Welcome to a seminar on leadership and communication in a multicultural academy.

Last day to register: 22 May 2023. Sign up here

Research supervisors are expected to be able to recruit and supervise doctoral students and junior researchers academically. The role of a supervisor includes being able to lead professional and learning conversations both with junior co-workers individually and in groups. This is an important task which sometimes can be challenging, especially in a multicultural context. This seminar focuses on leadership and communication as tools in productive research supervision. During the seminar you will learn how you can understand your role as a supervisor in terms of leadership and how this varies with changes in disciplines and as academia changes. You will also learn about how to avoid bias in recruitment and conditions for how you as a supervisor can plan and lead professional conversations in a multicultural academy.

During this seminar you will meet:
Robert Holmberg, Department of Psychology at Lund University with expertise in organization and leadership.
Samantha Sinclair, Department of Psychology at Linnaeus University with expertise in how different types of biases play out in organizations.
Michael Smith, Department of Culture and Society, Linköping University with expertise in intercultural communication and the structures of professional discourse.

Coffee and tea will be served.

This event is part of the LU-wide initiative “Professionalisation of the supervisor role” for training of research supervisors. The seminar is for all research supervisors at Lund University, especially those with an interest in issues relating to leadership, recruitment, and intercultural communication.

april 21, 2023

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ERC Starting Grants workshop

European Research Council

Research Services invites you to our ERC Starting Grants workshop on Wednesday, 31 May. The workshop is open to researchers who are planning to apply for an ERC Starting Grant (StG) with Lund University as their host institution. The workshop will be run together with the consultancy firm GrantCraft, and will cover the written and unwritten rules for success in with ERC Starting Grants, as well as giving you the framework you need to put together an optimized application.

You are welcome to register for this workshop if you are planning to apply for an ERC StG in the next call (call 2024) with Lund University as your host institution, or if you are interested in applying for an ERC grant in the future. The workshop will be held in Lund, in English. 

DateWednesday, 31 May, from 9.00 to 16:00
Venue: Auditorium, ‘Inspira’ building, Medicon Village, Lund


Extra session and training camp for ERC Starting Grants

Apart from the ERC workshop on 31 May, Research Services will arrange two connected events with the aim of giving ERC StG applicants an extra boost in the 2024 call. You are welcome to register for these activities if you are planning to apply for an ERC Starting Grant in the 2024 call.


On 12 June we have arranged an extra session to help you kick-start your proposal writing, and to receive feedback on your CV/Track Record. The session is in preparation for the ERC training camp later in late summer. In order to attend this session on 12 June, you must submit a short project synopsis, CV and track record (2 pages each, in total max 6 pages) by 6 June. Details on where to submit this material will be included in your confirmation email for attendance at the extra session in the beginning of June. This session will be held in person in Lund.

DateMonday, 12 June, from 9.00 to 12:00
Venue:  Sharience, ‘The Spark’ building, Medicon Village, Lund


On 22 – 23 August there will be a two-day, overnight training camp where you can participate in detailed discussions of application strategy with ERC evaluators and ERC grantees, as well as receive extensive feedback on your draft proposal. To attend this training camp, you must provide a draft proposal (section B1 of the application, including CV and Track Record) by 14 August. Submission details will be included when your place at the training camp is confirmed. Please note that places are limited, and in the event of oversubscription, we will allocate places to ensure equal access across the faculties. You may only attend the ERC training camp once.

Date22 – 23 August
Venue: Flädie Mat & Vingård, Bjärred



Please register at this link (for all events) by 23 May 2023.

If you are interested in submitting an ERC Starting Grant proposal but are not able to attend these events, you can still receive support. To do so, please contact John and Kerstin directly to discuss your needs.

You are also welcome to contact us for further information on the ERC Starting Grants scheme or on the support events described above.

Contact: John Phillips and Kerstin Gidlöf (Contact information for staff at Research Services)


Preliminary deadline for ERC Starting Grant call 2024: October 2023

Further information on Starting Grants, for researchers awarded their PhD 2-7 years prior to 1 January 2024


april 4, 2023

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Marie Curie on a chair in her laboratory | Source: Wikimedia Commons
Marie Curie on a chair in her laboratory | Source: Wikimedia Commons

Welcome to a Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND webinar on 31 March. 

  • The applicant can be a single legal entity in an EU Member State or a Horizon Europe Associated Country.
  • Additional partners are expected to be included in the project, to contribute with interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral opportunities.
  • All recruited doctoral or postdoctoral fellows must be recruited from another country.
  • The programme is open to all research fields.

Indicative deadline for the application: 8 February 2024

Aim: The webinar aims to give an overview of the programme and offer a possibility for the participants to ask and discuss strategic questions regarding the planning and writing of the proposal.

Participation: The webinar is open to all who have an interest in the MSCA COFUND programme. We encourage all researchers who are planning to apply to participate in the webinar.

Time & tool:  31 March 13:00 -14:00 via Zoom. The webinar will be held in English.

Speakers: Erik Litborn, Isabel Dellacasa Lindberg, Swedish National Contact Points

Host: Research Services, Lund University

Register to attend the webinar, no later than 30 March.

More information on MSCA COFUND on the EU Commission website

mars 16, 2023

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Excellensprogrammet för hållbar utveckling ger nio nya postdoktoranställningar

Två forskningsprojekt med sammanlagt nio postdoktorer får totalt 32,7 miljoner kronor i den andra omgången av Lunds universitets forskningsprogram för excellens med fokus på Agenda 2030 och hållbar utveckling.

Lunds universitet beslutade i mars 2021 att inrätta ett forskningsprogram för tvärvetenskapliga projekt med fokus på Agenda 2030 och hållbar utveckling och att avsätta sammanlagt 100 miljoner kronor för åren 2022–2025. Syftet med programmet är att universitetet ska skapa internationellt ledande miljöer som kan attrahera finansiering från kommande satsningar på hållbar utveckling. Det gäller både nationella anslag från satsningar i forskningspropositionen men särskilt från EU:s ramprogram Horisont Europa.

Projekten som beviljats anslag i den andra omgången är nedanstående. Totalt får de tillsammans 32,7 miljoner kronor under tre år.


Projektet samlar forskning från sex fakulteter vid Lunds universitet. Detta breda samarbete ska underlätta framtagandet av en plan för vattenpolicy med mål att lösa ohållbar vattenförbrukning. Denna plan ska kunna tillämpas på svensk såväl som global nivå. Säker och hållbar vattenförvaltning är ett globalt behov och en hörnsten inom FN:s hållbarhetsmål.

Sex postdoktorer från LTH, Juridiska fakulteten, Naturvetenskapliga fakulteten, Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Ekonomihögskolan och Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna ingår i projektet.

Huvudsökande: Kenneth M Persson, LTH

Medsökande: Britta Sjöstedt, J; Charlotte Sparrebom, N; Lea Fünfschilling, S; Jonas Nordström, EHL; Dan-Erik Andersson, HT

Circular Economy: Multi-level value chain and policy dynamics for accelerating sustainability transformations

Projektet ska undersöka skiftet från globala värdekedjor till cirkulära leveranskedjor, vilka är av stor vikt eftersom globala värdekedjor står för hälften av världens handel. Projektet kommer att belysa spänningar mellan linjära och cirkulära affärsmodeller, mellan toppstyrda företag och inkluderande lokala botten-uppinitiativ och mellan fokus på avreglering och på styrformer som tar miljö- och social hänsyn.

I projektet ingår tre postdoktorer från Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten, LTH och Ekonomihögskolan.

Huvudsökande: Markus Grillitsch, Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten

Medsökande: Fredrik Nilsson, S; Sylvia Schwaag Serger, EHL

mars 11, 2023

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Seminar for PhD supervisors about ethics in research and supervision

Two women talking

As a researcher, it is a privilege to be able to delve into both theory and empirical evidence and freely define research aims and questions. This means great opportunities to develop and contribute to research but also comes with the responsibility to follow research ethics principles and good research practice.

In this seminar you will learn about the most important things about the ethical review process (why it exists and what it requires), how different legal frameworks and regulations relate to each other and what good research practice means. You will also learn what researchers need to know about ethics in the context of online research, which is becoming increasingly relevant. There will be three expert talks and ample time for you to ask question to the speakers.

Further information

The seminar will be held in English. It is part of the LU-wide initiative “Professionalisation of the supervisor role” for training of research supervisors.

Time: 28 mars 2023 14:15 to 16:30

Place: LUSEM/Lund University School of Economics and Management, EC1: The Crafoord hall. Coffee and tea will be served

SIGN UP HERE (Last day to sign up 22 March.)

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MSCA Doctoral Networks webinar

Marie Curie on a chair in her laboratory | Source: Wikimedia Commons
Marie Curie on a chair in her laboratory | Source: Wikimedia Commons

Welcome to an MSCA Doctoral Networks webinar on 24 March

Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions Doctoral Networks are projects implementing doctoral programmes by partnerships of universities, infrastructures, businesses etc. from different countries across Europe and beyond. These doctoral programmes will respond to well-identified needs in various research and innovation areas, expose the researchers to the academic and non-academic sectors, and offer research training, as well as transferable skills and competences relevant for innovation and long-term employability.

The PhD students must be recruited from another country (mobility rule). All research fields are eligible. EU funds salaries, research and training costs of the doctoral students for 36 months. The duration of the doctoral network programme is 48 months. The deadline for submitting proposals is 28 November 2023.

Aim: The webinar aims to give an overview of the programme and offer a possibility for the participants to ask and discuss strategic questions regarding the planning and writing of the proposal. The webinar will also provide you with contact information to the research support staff at the participating universities.

Participation: The webinar is open to all who have an interest in the MSCA Doctoral Networks programme. We encourage all researchers who are planning to apply, both as coordinators or partners, to participate in the webinar.

Time & tool:  24 March 13:00 -14:00 via Zoom. The webinar will be held in English.

Speakers: Erik Litborn, Isabel Dellacasa Lindberg, Swedish National Contact Points
Host: Research Services, Lund University

Register to attend the webinar, no later than 23 March

More information on MSCA DN on the Commission website


februari 21, 2023

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MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships webinar

Marie Curie on a chair in her laboratory | Source: Wikimedia Commons
Marie Curie on a chair in her laboratory | Source: Wikimedia Commons

Welcome to a MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships webinar on 10 March

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships are two-year fellowships for researchers holding a PhD and who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training, international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral mobility. Applications are made jointly by the researcher and the host institution, which can be situated in Europe or beyond. The fellow must be recruited from or to another country (mobility rule). Deadline for submitting proposals is 13 September 2023.

Aim: The webinar aims to give an overview of the programme and the planning and writing of the proposal. It will also provide you with contact information to the research support staff at the universities organising the webinar.

Participation: The webinar is open to all who have an interest in the MSCA Fellowship programme. We encourage all fellows planning to apply to participate in the webinar, both fellows who will apply with Lund University as host and their supervisors, and fellows who will apply for an MSCA fellowship elsewhere.

Time & tool: 10 March at 13:00 – 14:00 via Zoom. The webinar will be held in English.

Speakers: Isabel Dellacasa Lindberg, Erik Litborn, Swedish National Contact Points

Host: Research Services, Lund University

Register for the webinar, no later than 9 March

More information on MSCA PF on the Commission website

februari 21, 2023

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How to get EU funding for your innovative idea

X-Lab, the makerspace at LTH, Lund University
X-Lab, the makerspace at LTH, Lund University

The funding program from the European Innovation Fund (EIC) provides funding for research and develop of emerging breakthrough technologies. The different funding instruments are dedicated to different levels of technological readiness (TRL) of the research and development – EIC Pathfinder (TRL 1-4) and EIC Transition (TRL 4-6). Learn more about how the European commission defines TRL definition.

Both Pathfinder and Transition includes Open calls as well as Challenges.
Open, indicates a bottom-up approach, meaning any field of science, technology or application without predefined thematic priorities are welcome to apply.
Challenges indicates a top-down, challenge-driven approach, which aim to support proposals within a predefined thematic area and addressing specific objectives.

Topics and deadlines/cut-offs (dates need to be confirmed by call opening)
EIC PATHFINDER OPEN deadline: 7 March 2023
EIC PATHFINDER CHALLENGES deadline: 18 October 2023
• Clean and efficient cooling
• Architecture, Engineering and Construction digitalisation for a novel triad of design, fabrication, and materials
• Precision nutrition
• Responsible electronics
• In-space solar energy harvesting for innovative space applications

EIC TRANSITION OPEN cut-off dates: 12/4 2023; 27/9 2023
EIC TRANSITION CHALLENGES cut-off dates: 12/4 2023; 27/9 2023

  • Full scale Micro-Nano-Bio devices for medical and medical research applications
  • Environmental intelligence
  • Chip-scale optical frequency combs

News: results from all projects funded under Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe, are eligible for EIC Transition Challenges.

Regarding the EIC Transition there are interesting news. A proposal to EIC Transition Open must build on results already achieved within an eligible project (e.g. EIC Pathfinder, H2020 FET-Open and Proactive), FET Flagships, ERC-PoC or EDF civil projects). The new thing is that results from all projects funded under Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe, can apply for EIC Transition Challenges.

More info and support
Read more about the EIC funding opportunities and contact Research services for more information about the specific program and challenges for 2023 (

Research services at Lund university offers guidance and support to your proposal. Please contact us for more information on the program, the support we offer, and available planning grants. 

december 21, 2022

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