A digital information series by Research Services Research Services is pleased to invite you to this new information session about Horizon Europe, the …
Rickard Eksten
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Why should we engage in Open Science and how? What are the benefits and challenges? Open Science is ascribed increased importance by multiple actors …
Det har varit en bra sommar för universitetet. Vårens utlysningar inom EU:s ramprogram för forskning och innovation, Horisont Europa, har resulterat i att 40 …
Nu är vi ungefär en tredjedel igenom EU:s ramprogram för forskning och innovation – Horisont Europa (2021–2027) – och kan börja se trender över …
Två forskningsprojekt med sammanlagt nio postdoktorer får totalt 32,7 miljoner kronor i den andra omgången av Lunds universitets forskningsprogram för excellens med fokus på …
Finally, Horizon Europe Work Programmes for 2023–2024 released! The Commission has FINALLY released final versions of the Horizon Europe Work Programmes for 2023-2024. These …
There are a number of avenues available to you to receive funding and other support for the planning of your application to Horizon Europe. …
The call is open to researchers in natural science, technology or medicine employed at Swedish universities and research institutes who intend to apply for …
A webinar on opportunities in the European Innovation Council Research Services is pleased to invite you to a webinar about the European Innovation Council …
Take the opportunity to gather your consortium or organise a policy event! As a researcher at one of the universities of south Sweden, you …