Dive into Horizon Europe with Research Services this autumn

Sveriges flagga och EU:s flagga på Universitetshuset i Lund | Fotograf: Rickard Eksten
Sveriges flagga och EU:s flagga på Universitetshuset i Lund | Fotograf: Rickard Eksten

Autumn is soon here and that means that Research Services are ready to offer a new series of information sessions about Horizon Europe, the EU framework programme for research and innovation. Our researchers have been very successful in the programme to date, and we know that there is broad interest in upcoming funding opportunities. We have sessions available both for beginners wanting an overview, and more hands-on and specialised sessions for those planning an application.

Below you will find a list of save the dates for the various sessions, together with registration links. More information will follow during the autumn via our thematic mailing lists. You can subscribe to them here, if you have not done so already.


Find your way in Horizon Europe

Part I: Overview of Horizon Europe, how to navigate between the opportunities?


Part II: How do I write a great collaborative application to Horizon Europe?


How to get EU funding for your innovative idea

Information session about the European Innovation Council and their upcoming calls

    • 8 November, 13:00-14:30
    • Venue: Pufendorfinstitutet

Pitch session for the EIC Pathfinder Open

    • 6 December, 9:00-12:00
    • Venue: tbc (physical meeting)

Register for the EIC information sessions


Social sciences and humanities and civil security – What is on the agenda in Horizon Europe?

Information session with the Swedish National Contact Points

    • 5 December, 9:00-10:30
    • Venue: tbc (physical meeting)

Register for the SSH information session


For any questions about the information series, contact rickard.eksten@fs.lu.se and anna-karin.wihlborg@fs.lu.se.


september 27, 2024